Who are we?

"Beat the crisis" is a non-profit video project about  young successful Europeans, who found their own way to beat the crisis and became self-employed. During twenty one days we want to visit seven EU countries, where we will see what they do and how they live. We want to tell their stories and inspire others.

Ilona Bidzan is a psychologist and film producer, living and working in her hometown, Gdansk, Poland. She works as a psychologist in a hospital in Gdynia and in her free time she cooperates with various video projects as a producer and camera operator. Most recently she published her first novel in Polish "Moja mała schizofrenia" (My little schizophrenia) and produced a documentary movie "Miła, padnij!" (Miła, fall down!).

Natalia Wisniewska is a journalist, currently living in London and working in Kaplan International Colleges. She holds a BA in English Studies and MA in Journalism and Communications. For two years she was working for an online newspaper Trojmiasto.pl. She also worked for Maltese NET TV and online media, where she was a video production assistant and photographer. She is interested in social and cultural issues and writes a blog about London in Polish. She also likes photography.